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Zk based fully secure and trustless multichain file transfer system.

This project aims to create a secure and efficient file transfer system bridging Solana and Ethereum networks by integrating ZK, IPFS, and Wormhole. ZK ensures file integrity and privacy, IPFS facilitates file storage, and Wormhole enables cross-chain token and data transfer.

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Adopting a decentralized approach to file transfer, utilizing the principles of zero-knowledge proofs (zkSNARKs), can significantly enhance privacy and security.
This method allows for the verification of file transmission without revealing the contents of the files to the network or a third party.

WebRTC Configuration

Utilize the RTCPeerConnection API to configure the WebRTC connection. Include STUN/TURN servers in the configuration for NAT traversal.

Solana-EVM Bridge

Establish a bridge between Solana and EVM networks for token transfer. Implement the conversion of files into tokens with ZK proofs.

Encryption and Decryption

Use RSA keys for encryption and decryption of AES keys. Implement the exchange of AES keys between clients securely.

IPFS Integration

Retrieve files from IPFS based on the ZK proofs presented by the recipients.

InterWormhole Integration

Utilize Wormhole for cross-chain communication between Solana and EVM networks. Transfer tokens representing ZK proofs through the Wormhole bridge.

Wallet Integration

Users connected to the EVM network can similarly perform file transfer transactions using an Ethereum or other compatible wallet. These wallets perform file transfers by providing access to smart contracts and other transactions on the Ethereum network.


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